P.E & Sports News

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WOW! What a term for PE and Sports at Compton C of E Primary school. Here is a glimpse of what we have been up to this term:
Year 5&6 have enjoyed a 6-week block of tennis at the fantastic Hill Lane Tennis Club.
Year 1 have been learning about shapes in their Animal Dance unit and Year 2 have been jumping around the school as they learnt how to skip!
Foundation went on a squirrel adventure whilst practising their sending and receiving skills using a ball. How exciting!
Year 3 have enjoyed different multi-skills activities and year 4 looked at sending and receiving with a focus on coordination.
- We have taken part in 13 external sporting events from the Plymouth Schools Sports Partnership. This created brilliant opportunities for over 85 of our children to represent our school at sporting events this term. These events have included indoor rowing, dodgeball, change4life festivals, athletics and the Regional Netball Finals where we came 3rd in Devon.
Our families of Compton have made a superb effort in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel event. Our data shows that over 78% of our children make active journeys to school, what an incredible achievement! We are currently 2nd place in the city. Thank you to everyone for getting involved in the challenge and let's hope it continues!
Many thanks to all of our staff, children and families of Compton C of E Primary school for their hard work, commitment and support in allowing PE and Sports to thrive at our school.