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Courageous Advocacy

At Compton C of E Primary school, we aim to be courageous through our curriculum and with our charity work. Linking with our Christian vision of ‘living life in its fullness’ it is important to the Compton community that our children have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of others and lead awareness-raising and fundraising for the charities and communities that matter to them. We encourage and support our children to engage in local, national and global communities and explore how they can help others to live life in its fullness.


Here are some examples of our charity work:

School Council's Visit To The Food Bank

In November, The School Council visited the North Plymouth Foodbank, following on from our very successful Harvest celebration where we managed to collect a massive 328kg of products!

All the children were amazed at how the Foodbank is run, with all its limitations, and were very interested to hear that everyone that works there is a volunteer.

We asked many questions about how our donations would help the community and left, secure in the knowledge that our generosity will go a long way to support families and individuals in need.

The school council discussed which school values we were able to achieve through our visit and agreed that Koinonia came out on top; working in partnership with the Foodbank, sharing what we have with those in need and in doing so, supporting the wider community.

The School Council are keen to continue championing this local cause and hope to extend this nationally and globally by strengthening our links with Medic Malawi throughout the school year.