Adviser & Emotional Literacy Support
Assistant for Children (PSA / ELSA)
My Role as a PSA is to provide you with easy access to information and support.
What can I do for you?
· Provide information about services and sources of help available.
· Be a listening ear.
· Attend meetings with you if you would like extra support.
· Help complete forms/paperwork you may be struggling with.
· Regular Coffee Mornings for parents to get to know each other and share any issues.
· Provide parenting tips and advice.
· No matter how big or small your concerns may be, please feel free to contact me to discuss them.
The list is endless. My role is parent-led. You tell me what you think is needed, and I will try to deliver.
As a parent or carer you have the greatest influence on your child’s life. I am here to work with you when needed to try and make your job easier and to ensure you receive all the help and advice you are entitled to.
Why have a Parent Support Adviser (PSA)?
Being a parent can be a challenge at times. Some of us may feel we could do with a little help from time to time. I can provide advice and guidance on services available to support your parenting role, to make it as fulfilling as it should be…..
I am here to support you in some of the challenges you may encounter as your child takes their journey through Compton C of E Primary School. I am able to do this in an impartial, confidential and non-judgemental way.
Contact Me:
Contact me direct on:
Mob: 07825234552
Tel: 01752771539
Email me on: